Get Grounded

Back in May 2020, I was looking for a way to prepare mentally prepare myself to help my oldest with big feelings. It was recommended to me to try grounding myself. I didn't know what it was so I looked it up.

Put simply grounding is a way to bring minds back to the present moment. Often we are focused on our fears of the future (like if I don't handle this well my kid will never outgrow it) or our past experiences (something happened to me as a child so this triggers me). Grounding helps move us away from those thoughts and back to what is happening in the present.

There are different grounding activities. This specific one focuses on the 5 senses. It helps to bring our awareness to what is currently happening to and around our body.

Name 5 things you can see.

Name 4 Things your body is touching.

Name 3 things you can hear.

Name 2 things you can smell.

Name 1 thing you can taste.

It's important to try to name the items your identifying. I tried going through it quickly. "I see this, this, that, this, and that over there." Actually naming the items helps bring our focus back to the sensations our body is feeling.

Visual reminders have been incredibly helpful for me. so, I wanted to create something I could put up around that house or that could be helpful to others. This graphic is available for sale on my Teespring website.


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